NCAA Men’s
Final Four 2022
The men’s fans cave

A look at poster exploration - test ideas.

Some main versions of the poster we did end up printing.

NCAA Women’s
Final Four 2022
This activation was set for the Women’s Final Four. In an effort to bring more equality and visibility to women’s team. We quadrupled our budget and efforts to make it so. This year was focused on the road each team took to get to the final four, with a matching commercial campaign, the goal was to align to the two.

Heisman House
2022The Nissan Heisman House. The most athletic and elite fraternity in the world. Home to the most talented and extraordinary athletes in the history of football. They’ve spent their whole lives competing, and that didn’t stop the moment they left college.

What makes the Heisman House so thrilling, is that with these phenom athletes, everything is a competition.
This year we’re going to take the naturally competitive nature of the house and get fans to join in – That’s How You Heisman.

There were three games on site. All the required multiple versions of multiple players. For intro, end card, and interactive parts of the game. Above is an example of how each player was able to chose which Heisman they competed with. Each Heisman had their own reel/opener/lines to help guide the game.

Another example is the Jersey Swap. The RFID jersey tags allow guest to scan the jersey of their favorite player and have them show on screen to trade jerseys and share a picture with them. I was lucky enough to also

We made dozens of versions for each litte piece. At the end of the day we had 1,000 of versions, options, and finals. Here is just a small sample of everything.

Our tour had 14 stops. Which meant adjusting our space consistently for each stop. Some spaces allowed for the whole brew other only had room for 1 or 2.


This project took so much thinking from AR, to the virtual house, the games and interactions with sweeps at the mobile.
So many Factors came to play with these players.
Festive Fleet

Heisman House 2022
The Nissan Heisman House. The most athletic and elite fraternity in the world. Home to the most talented and extraordinary athletes in the history of football. They’ve spent their whole lives competing, and that didn’t stop the moment they left college.

What makes the Heisman House so thrilling, is that with these phenom athletes, everything is a competition.
This year we’re going to take the naturally competitive nature of the house and get fans to join in – That’s How You Heisman.

There were three games on site. All the required multiple versions of multiple players. For intro, end card, and interactive parts of the game. Above is an example of how each player was able to chose which Heisman they competed with. Each Heisman had their own reel/opener/lines to help guide the game.

Another example is the Jersey Swap. The RFID jersey tags allow guest to scan the jersey of their favorite player and have them show on screen to trade jerseys and share a picture with them. I was lucky enough to also

We made dozens of versions for each litte piece. At the end of the day we had 1,000 of versions, options, and finals. Here is just a small sample of everything.

Our tour had 14 stops. Which meant adjusting our space consistently for each stop. Some spaces allowed for the whole brew other only had room for 1 or 2.


Pride Rebrand
For the months of June and July we rebranded Youtube for Pride months.
We created assets for all social platforms, created a strategy for working with creators, are thinking of in-person events, by creating tangible items like tattoes, patches, and lanyards. The goal was to make Youtube Pride branded social content accessible and fun for user during these months. We reached our clients goals and doubled our engagement.

We created Several carousels & Instagram posts including photos & hand written letters from creators. We were given a general direction of using a post modern typeface with a some sort of gradient. The outcome was an overlaying of lavalamp style rainbow.

Profile banners were made for all Social media accounts including:
Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter. We create several stories for different creators with boarders and bradning incorporated in both. Every year they do a Stan Cam with “You&A” so we revamped them to match this years brand.

Give aways for events & Youtube Branding Team
including patches, fake tattoos, lanyards, & hats.

Instagram & Youtube Stickers

Thumbnails created for Videos on Youtubes Channel.

Anti Texting
Driving Campaign
...because at the end of the day humans like animals more than people. When "Arms of the Angels" plays on those ASPCA commercials we all tear up immediately.
When designing this campaign I focused on the idea that people pay more attention to animals being hurt than humans. So we made the main character the famous squirrels on campus. This opened up a great dialog for putting poster in bus stops, hangers on bus rails, and place book marks around the school. Not only was the message spread in the heart of the students transportation, but was a direct connection to driving.
Bus and Door hangers with informational backs.

Various Copy and illustration was used for each poster design. Using the same layout to promote recongizability.

The designs in action around the campus, at the library, bus stops, classrooms, hallways and more.


Hook T-Shirt Illustration
I was given the chance to design the L.A. Office t-shirt for our yearly
summer party. We were given the same logo and ask to make it
represent your city.

I was so excited to go wild this and did not want to make the logo on this years so easily recongizable, but emmersed in the city’s elements. So the letters are camoflaged with L.A. inspired tid bits and easter eggs relating to office culture!

Dog Portraits
Done on Procreate; This is one of my most popular commisions,
because I can only imagine people love their dogs as much as I love mine. I started by creating my own pooch, the first one shown in b/w and later dediced to draw him in a hyperreaslism digital painting.

Today these portraits have become my favorite part of my job.

Daily Doodles
Everyday I spend an hour just making something silly and fun for myself. It keeps my skills sharp and my heart happy to be doing something I love.

1 of them
A visual representation of a heart breaking story of
discrimination, hate crimes, and the loss of friendship.
When a hate crime turns a gay night club into the setting of a
mass murder, Carlos tells the story of the night that forever changed him.
We were inspired by the story found on Humans of New York
2 of us were given the challenge to design something in 3 hours that
incorporated the words 404 error & Friendship